Thursday, 27 December 2012


Do we live a
Redempted Love Life?

(#1 )
We cant sin ,
even if we have been sinned against..
the scripture above tells us to follow
Jesus example..
Just because some one sins against us
hurts our feeling , or just simply treats us
wrongly,, it does not give us the right to
We Cant use our mouth for Revenge..
The verse above tells us:
(23)When they hurled their insults at him,
he did not retaliate, when he suffered,
he made no threats

1Peter 3
That they may be won over,
without words but by the
behavior of their wives
It should be that of your inner self,
the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.
which is of great worth to the Lord

Have Faith in God and Trust Him for the Results..
We have the right to say what we need to say
but in LOVE,
And then
(now here is the Hard part)
Let it go.....
After all, Who is the Enforcer?
Its not US,, We know we cant
force some one to change,, nag them into submission
But with Love , God can soften their hearts
from the inside out..
We have to be willing to do the Right thing
even when it feels like someone is
doing you wrong..
99% of problems in Marriage happens because of what people say.
Here we go back to the law of
Reeping and Sowing..
You can not use unrighteous means
and expect a pleasurable Harvest..
And planted seeds , take time to grow and flurish..
So lets turn it over to God
Get in our prayer closets
and its okay to let God know if
someone has hurt our feelings
if we feel lonely or discouraged.
He knows how we feel, and he cares.
But we have to let him do HIS work
in Us and in Others..
In the mean time..
Keep Praying..
Be Commited to Save our Family and Marriage
Trust God ...He knows what his is doing..
And Lets Live a Redemptive Love Life.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012


The Marriage Covenant Rules

*Identify the architect of marriage

*Watch your source of influence
(Do not allow "everyone" the privilege to speak into your life and marriage)

*Work at it..
(Scheduled maintenance, is required)

*Settle the arguement ~ Not the score
If you trust God to lead in your husband for your sake
(weither he is a believer or not)

You dont have to agrue that you are "Right"
God will make it right..

:) Wana share this from : Heart of the Home.

Remember who you are!
You are a Jesus Girl !
You are not a failure,
you are not incapable
you are not a loser,,
You are none of those things,,
You are a Jesus Girl..
Your are capable of victory
you are absolutely capable of being empowered
God Loves You.
Head to Toe..
Remember Who You Are....
You are a Jesus Girl

We are Jesus Girls..
God has a plan for each and everyone of us.
Jeremiah 29:11
Satan (aka~the chump)
works daily , and even moment to moment
to bring doubt and to keep us in bondage
by our past choices.
but who does he think he is dealing with..
We are Jesus Girl
We are Bold, Beautiful, Confident,
Grace Given ♥ Jesus Girls
So Remember Who You Are

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Lord hear my prayer.

Keeping Priorities clear....

Consider this scenario: In a remote forest, a pregnant deer is about to give birth to a baby. It finds a
remote grass field near by a river and slowly goes there thinking it would be safe. As she moves slowly, she gets labor pain…. at the same moment, dark clouds gather around that area and lightning starts a forest fire. Turning left she sees a hunter who is aiming an arrow from a distance. As she tries to move towards right, she spots a hungry lion approaching towards her.

Stochastic Probability Theory - Pregnant Deer Scenario
What can the pregnant deer do ….as she is already under labor pain ?

What do you think will happen ?
Will the deer survive ?
Will it give birth to a fawn ?
Will the fawn survive ? or
Will everything be burnt by the forest fire ?

That particular moment ?

Can the deer go left ? – Hunter’s arrow is pointing

Can she go right ? – Hungry male lion approaching

Can she move up ? – Forest fire

Can she move down ? – Fierce river

Answer: She does nothing. She just focuses on giving birth to a new LIFE.
The sequence of events that happens at that fraction of a second (moment) are as follows:
In a spur of MOMENT …a lightning strikes (already it is cloudy ) and blinds the eyes of the Hunter. At that MOMENT, he releases the arrow missing and zipping past the deer. At that MOMENT the arrow hits and injures the lion badly. At that MOMENT, it starts to rain heavily and puts out the forest fire. At that next MOMENT, the deer gives birth to a healthy fawn.
In our life, it’s our MOMENT of CHOICE and we all have to deal with such negative thoughts from all sides always. Some thoughts are so powerful they overpower us and makes us clueless. Let us not decide anything in a hurry. Let’s think of ourselves as the pregnant deer with the ultimate happy ending. Anything can happen in a MOMENT in this life. We all feel the same. But, whatever one may call it, I would see the priority of the deer in that given moment was to giving birth to a baby…. because LIFE IS PRECIOUS.
Hence, whether you are deer or a human, keep that faith and hope within you always.

Dear lord Jesus, your mercy is all we need to surpass every negativity and petrifieng especially near us and guide us through such moments,always focusing on our priorities not the tormenting forces or obstacles.send your holy angels to protect us. send your Holy spirit to strenghen us and counsel us . amen.

Psalm 23
A psalm of David.

1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The virtues

The VIRTUES, [the usual translation of the name of this order of angels as "virtues" is readily misleading if the old meaning of the word "virtue" as "power" or "force", especially as regards to divine beings (cf Oxford English Dictionary), is not remembered. Note of translator.] filled with divine strength, quickly fulfill the will of the All-High and Omnipotent Lord, strong and powerful. They both work very great miracles and send down the grace of miracle-working to God's saints, who are worthy of such grace, in order that these may work miracles, such as heal every sickness and foretell the future. The holy virtues also help people laboring and those overburdened by the bearing of an obedience placed on them by someone - by which their names "virtues" is explained - and they bear the infirmities of the weak. They also strengthen every man in patience, so that he does not faint away in affliction but rather bears all misfortune with a strong spirit, courageously, and with humility, giving thanks for everything to God, arranging all for our benefit.

The "Virtues" or "Strongholds" lie beyond the ophanim (Thrones/Wheels). Their primary duty is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies in order to ensure that the cosmos remains in order.

From Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite's De Coelesti Hierarchia:

"The name of the holy Virtues signifies a certain powerful and unshakable virility welling forth into all their Godlike energies; not being weak and feeble for any reception of the divine Illuminations granted to it; mounting upwards in fullness of power to an assimilation with God; never falling away from the Divine Life through its own weakness, but ascending unwaveringly to the superessential Virtue which is the Source of virtue: fashioning itself, as far as it may, in virtue; perfectly turned towards the Source of virtue, and flowing forth providentially to those below it, abundantly filling them with virtue."[9]

The powers

The POWERS are so called because they have power over the devil, in order to restrain the power of the demons, to repulse the temptations brought upon people by them, and to prevent the demons from harming anyone to the degree that they would wish. The powers strengthen the good ascetics in spiritual struggles and labors, protecting them so that they may not be deprived of the spiritual kingdom. They help those wrestling with passions and vices to cast out evil thoughts and slanders of the enemy and to conquer the devil.

The "Powers" appear to collaborate, in power and authority, with the Principalities (Rulers).

The Powers are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of history. They are also the warrior angels created to be completely loyal to God. Some believe that no Power has ever fallen from grace, but another theory states that Satan was the Chief of the Powers before he Fell (see also Ephesians 6:12). Their duty is to oversee the distribution of power among humankind, hence their name.

The dominions

Angels of the Second Sphere work as heavenly governors.

The "Dominions" or "Dominations" are presented as the hierarchy of celestial beings "Lordships" in the De Coelesti Hierarchia. The Dominions, also known as the Hashmallim, regulate the duties of lower angels. It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to humans. They are also the angels who preside over nations.

The Dominions are believed to look like divinely beautiful humans with a pair of feathered wings, much like the common representation of angels, but they may be distinguished from other groups by wielding orbs of light fastened to the heads of their scepters or on the pommel of their swords.

The DOMINIONS are so named because, being themselves free, they dominate over the rest of the angels which follow behind them. Having abandoned servile fear, as St Dionysius the Aeropagite says, they voluntarily and with joy serve God unceasingly. Also they send down power for prudent governing and wise management to authorities on the earth set up by God. Further they teach how to control the senses, how to subdue in oneself dissolute desires and passions, how to enslave the flesh to the spirit, and how to rule over one's will and be above all temptations.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The Thrones

The Thrones  are a class of celestial beings mentioned by Paul of Tarsus in Colossians 1:16 (New Testament) and related to the Throne of God. They are living symbols of God's justice and authority. According to the New Testament, these high celestial beings are among those Orders at the Christ's service.[1][2] The Thrones are mentioned again in Revelation 11:16

God's Spirit is shown in a certain manner to these angels, who in turn pass on the message to men and the other angels.

Thrones are known in scripture as the bringers of justice, but their status in hierarchy is often confused, sometimes placing them above the Seraphim, and sometimes placing them at the same level as the Cherubim. They do however, come in the second Choir, and are assigned to planets.

This position makes them some of the most powerful angels in service to the Lord. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, the Thrones have the task of pondering the disposition of divine judgments. In other words, they carry out or fulfill the divine justice of the Lord.

They create, channel and collect incoming and outgoing positive energies. Dispensation of justice is important to the Thrones and they send healing energies to victims while shining a light on injustice to bring its presence to our attention.

Like their counterparts in the second angelic triad, they come the closest of all Angels to spiritual perfection and emanate the light of God with mirror-like goodness. They, despite their greatness, are intensely humble, an attribute that allows them to dispense justice with perfect objectivity and without fear of pride or ambition. Because they are living symbols of God's justice and authority, they are called Thrones and have as one of their symbols the throne.

The Cherubim angels

Cherubim first appear in the Bible in the Garden of Eden, to guard the way to the Tree of life

In Isaiah 37:16, Hezekiah prays, addressing Yahweh as "enthroned above the Cherubim" (referring to the mercy seat).

Cherubim feature at some length in the Book of Ezekiel. When they first appear in chapter one, when Ezekiel was "by the river Chebar", they are not called cherubim until chapter 10, but he saw "the likeness of four living creatures". (Ezekiel 1:5) Each of them had four faces and four wings, with straight feet with a sole like the sole of a calf's foot, and "hands of a man" under their wings. Each had four faces: The face of a man, the face of a lion on the right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle. (Ezekiel 1:6-10)

In Ezekiel chapter ten, another full description of the Cherubim appears with slight differences in details. Three of the four faces are the same; man, lion and eagle; but where chapter one had the face of an ox, Ezekiel 10:14 says "face of a cherub". Ezekiel equates the Cherubim of chapter ten with the living creature of chapter one by saying: "This is the living creature that I saw by the river of Chebar", in Ezekiel 10:15, and in Ezekiel 10:20 he said: "This is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river of Chebar; and I knew that they were the cherubim."

In a psalm of David that appears in 2 Samuel 22:11 and Psalms 18:10, David said that the LORD "rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind."

The words Cherub and Cherubim appear many other times in the holy scriptures, referring to the Cherubim of beaten gold on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant, and images on the curtains of the tabernacle, and in Solomon's temple, including two Cherubim made of olive wood overlaid with gold that were ten cubits high.[11]

The Seraphim angels

They are the caretakers of God's throne, continuously singing "holy, holy, holy".

"The name seraphim clearly indicates their ceaseless and eternal revolution about Divine Principles, their heat and keenness, the exuberance of their intense, perpetual, tireless activity, and their elevative and energetic assimilation of those below, kindling them and firing them to their own heat, and wholly purifying them by a burning and all-consuming flame; and by the unhidden, unquenchable, changeless, radiant and enlightening power, dispelling and destroying the shadows of darkness"[7]

Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae offers a description of the nature of seraphs:"The name 'Seraphim' does not come from charity only, but from the excess of charity, expressed by the word ardor or fire.
 Now in fire we may consider three things

."First, the movement which is upwards and continuous. This signifies that they are borne inflexibly towards God.

"Secondly, the active force which is 'heat,' which is not found in fire simply, but exists with a certain sharpness, as being of most penetrating action, and reaching even to the smallest things, and as it were, with superabundant fervor; whereby is signified the action of these angels, exercised powerfully upon those who are subject to them, rousing them to a like fervor, and cleansing them wholly by their heat.

"Thirdly we consider in fire the quality of clarity, or brightness; which signifies that these angels have in themselves an inextinguishable light, and that they also perfectly enlighten others."