Ironically the story is much smaller than the title :)
We went to the shopping mall to get ourselves coffee mugs....I fell in love with a aquamarine blue one, and picked up two, one for him and one for me.One look at it, he frowned," Oh I love them" I insisted but the frown turned to disgust.With patience shown by a parent whose toddler has picked up a toad to take home, he took them from my hands and placed it back.After a thorough scan on the shelves he gave a satisfied grin "ah ,this is perfect".his eyes had settled on a beige coffee mug,"ugh" I said.But the mugs had already made their way into the shopping cart. Now, I dint have the patience of the parent-with-toddler-with-toad,my hands just automatically grasped the mugs and kept them back where they belonged "I hate them" I explained.After a series of" I like this one, that one sucks...",determined attitudes in verbal and non verbal expressions,and cold stares...we finally decided that coffee mugs are not socks to be bought as matching pairs....he took his favourite beige and I humbly picked up my precious blue.
Two months later, he sips his coffee in the blue mug and me in the beige one.over the weeks we had been unintentionally reaching for each other's favourite mugs and weirdly enough have taken a strange preference to them.I don't hate the beige mug any more, I love it.He is not disgusted with the blue mug, he loves it.
Moral of the story: Some things in life don't have logical explanations.
Just like our marriage, we might have different likes and preferences. Petty disagreements arise over what we like and arguments to vainly make the other person agree to our likes. but eventually there is something greater that just blows you over,like a divine hand that's perfecting the script in time.And eventually unknowingly we start to take up each others likes and preferences.
A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' come together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. -Dave Meurer
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs3:5-6
Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.Proverbs10:12
We went to the shopping mall to get ourselves coffee mugs....I fell in love with a aquamarine blue one, and picked up two, one for him and one for me.One look at it, he frowned," Oh I love them" I insisted but the frown turned to disgust.With patience shown by a parent whose toddler has picked up a toad to take home, he took them from my hands and placed it back.After a thorough scan on the shelves he gave a satisfied grin "ah ,this is perfect".his eyes had settled on a beige coffee mug,"ugh" I said.But the mugs had already made their way into the shopping cart. Now, I dint have the patience of the parent-with-toddler-with-toad,my hands just automatically grasped the mugs and kept them back where they belonged "I hate them" I explained.After a series of" I like this one, that one sucks...",determined attitudes in verbal and non verbal expressions,and cold stares...we finally decided that coffee mugs are not socks to be bought as matching pairs....he took his favourite beige and I humbly picked up my precious blue.
Two months later, he sips his coffee in the blue mug and me in the beige one.over the weeks we had been unintentionally reaching for each other's favourite mugs and weirdly enough have taken a strange preference to them.I don't hate the beige mug any more, I love it.He is not disgusted with the blue mug, he loves it.
Moral of the story: Some things in life don't have logical explanations.
Just like our marriage, we might have different likes and preferences. Petty disagreements arise over what we like and arguments to vainly make the other person agree to our likes. but eventually there is something greater that just blows you over,like a divine hand that's perfecting the script in time.And eventually unknowingly we start to take up each others likes and preferences.
A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' come together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. -Dave Meurer
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs3:5-6
Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.Proverbs10:12
sooo totally loved it!!!!