Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The narrow road.

I kind of understand the whole concept of the biblical narrow road to heaven. "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. its more like the situation i face i face day after day.its narrow suffercating and full of thorns and obstacles of every sort.The end of the day its a hard journey.
The key is persistance.I see light, I see unfathomable blessings all waiting if I only follow this road.Its easier to give up and take a easier road...but an easier road might not be Gods path to reach the state of christian perfection.
 Easier said than done...the path is narrow and hard indeed, sometimes very lonely...yet there is one promise that we can hold on to."My grace suffices you".Without God's grace this seems impossible but for us who are called he will turn everything for our good...only by his grace.For in our weakness He is strong.
 Lord help me to bear it all bravely and with grace....not yelling screaming and making a scene. i was often broken yet i recovered but now i feel defeated i feel ashamed and despaired.i need your grace to keep going this narrow road...hoping one day I will witness great happiness.

 I found out that sacrificing love is not something inborn in men and women...as I had believed ...its a matter of choice..a choice made each day everyday...through thick and thin and even when everything slips under your feet and people let you down or shove you away.Its a choice to be made willingly every second.And everything is possible through Christ who strengthens me.

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